Tag: short film

  • Nobody Tells This to Beginners, He Says

    Nobody Tells This to Beginners, He Says

    It took some clickety-clicking to find the derivative work, but here’s John McWade’s original posting on Ira Glass and the beginnings of creativity. It’s worth watching Mr. Glass’s video if: a) You’ve ever thought of learning a skill or creating something new; or b) See above. Mr. Glass’s thesis is this: Creatives are compelled to create,… Read more

  • Page 23

    Think those models in furniture catalogues don’t have a life?  Think again. Amazing what lengths some people will go to for style. A short film by Jeroen Houben, Tim Arts, and Stefan van den Boogaard made during the 48 Hour film project in Utrecht, 2011.  Discovered via http://www.shortfilmfests.com. Read more