Prairie Love

My father’s 80th birthday and a 2,200 kilometre drive brought us to a family reunion in the middle of Canada. We’ve tooted around the province and Winnipeg marks the finale.

Another day of relentless blue skies and the city continues to surprise me with its ubiquitous public art, wealth of classic architecture, and intriguing tapestry of grand and pocket public spaces. I love that these work so seamlessly together, that art is interwoven with everyday life and business, that social justice issues appear to be studied in plain view, and that artists of all stature seem to command a respect here that isn’t as obvious in other Canadian cities. And I love the quality of light and the freakish colour of wheat fields and black soil that is absent from the Ontario palette. As it always is when travelling with children, it has been a survey trip rather than a deep study of place, and I’d be a liar if I said I didn’t feel that loss. But, alas, I photograph to save my soul, even if that means the occasional drive-by shooting at a polite and objective distance.

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